HMPRESENTLY: Thinking About ‘TOOT’

It was buzzing around, maybe in a dream, around four in the morning…

‘TOOT’… short for ‘Totally Out Of Touch.’

There’s ‘RINO,’ standing for ‘Republican in name only.’ That’s in a lot of former President Trump’s social media posts, and others in the GOP, have been using that very same pejorative acronym… RINO.

Could something like TOOT suggest various politicians’ thinking, on any number of things? On women’s reproductive rights, for example?

Like if someone’s saying… they want to ban abortions at only six weeks. Even when a woman’s been raped, or an unavoidable miscarriage may cause pain, suffering, or even an expectant mother’s death?

How can politicians be so TOOT, so totally out of touch?

They’re awfully TOOT on other things as well. On gun safety, for example, when even the majority of National Rifle Association members, as reported consistently in the news, would support common sense safety initiatives.

‘Toot’ can mean a number of things. To sound a horn or a whistle. Toot can be slang for a drinking spree. I recall hearing someone referring to flatulence as a toot, or tooting.

But in all cap letters, like with RINO, TOOT can apply to various politicians, and maybe some judges, even at the Supreme Court level?

To some governors and mayors… some of them, too?

Recently, in another column, I mentioned words for shaping opinion must be PEP (pretty effing powerful).

So… combining ‘PEP’ with ‘TOOT,’ might suggest that being totally out of touch could be pretty effing powerful, in attempting to shape public opinion…?

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin is former senior vice president in charge of corporate communications and media relations, Bank of America Western Region. He makes his home in Redwood City, CA.