HMPRESENTLY: What’s This ‘Woke’ Thing?

There was an article, years ago, about “words that have changed the world,” in Business Insider.

The powerful words… “We Can Do It!”… were featured, in signage, with the powerful drawing of Rosie the Riveter, when America entered World War II, to help save freedom and democracy.

“We Can Do It!” are among some of the most consequential words used — in this instance — in an advertising campaign.

There’s a fascinating factoid, in the article, that “the first newspaper ad in America appeared in 1704 when someone was trying to sell a house on Long Island.”

But, back to more serious matters, and another example of powerful words used in advertising, this time, back in 1983, in the advertising campaign… “Friends don’t let friends drive drunk.”

Such evocative words, that can stir emotions… when compared to other words in the news these days, like ‘woke’ and ‘wokeness’, might cause us to be wondering… ‘Hey, what the hay?’

When asked what ‘woke’ actually means, an official for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who’s frequently uttered the word, said that, in general “it would be the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them.”

So, let’s see about that… in general.

Around Florida and other states and cities around the nation… is it a systemic injustice, if public libraries have no books available that expose some of the blemishes, in the nation’s past… like slavery and racism, for example?

The glass ceiling? Is that another example of a blemish to be swept under the carpet? Ageism… that too? Homophobia? Climate issues and concerns?

Dermatologists can clear up blemishes, but history is history; it doesn’t go away, unless it’s being swept away… under the carpet. That’s why history books are written, and why they’re in public libraries, and school libraries, so a nation’s past – blemishes and all – can be read, and weighed, and kept in mind.

Books were burned by Nazis during World War II, which was one of many reasons America joined with European nations in preserving freedom and democracy.

So… What the hay, is this ‘woke’ thing?

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin is former senior vice president in charge of corporate communications and media relations, Bank of America Western Region. He makes his home in Redwood City, CA.