HMPRESENTLY: Refreshing Bubbles

There’s a device – this was in the news – that produces bubbles, what’s being described as a ‘curtain of bubbles,’ and like cattle ranchers herding cows, those bubbles can corral plastic waste.

The bubble-making device can be dropped down on a riverbed. Plastic waste gets corralled, it’s picked up… and there you have it… a cleaner river!

Innovative people, with another company, have figured out how to use bacteria to turn carbon pollution into products. They’re transforming pollutants into things people can use.

Figuring ways to refresh rivers and the air, seems mighty refreshing.

It’s just good hearing about human beings thinking through such sorts of things, when other things – not so refreshing – so often seem to be dominating the news.

Sometimes, in the news, when it’s folks getting all worked up over differing political or religious beliefs, for example, when you’re hearing about folks coming up with something helpful, like nifty bacteria and bubbles, that sure can brighten your day…

Maybe like rivers and Earth’s atmosphere, this human race of ours could stand some refreshing.

Would bubbles do the job, if there are enough to go around?

Maybe it’s people who are good-natured, caring and uplifting, who truly personify what’s known as ‘humanity’…

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin is former senior vice president in charge of corporate communications and media relations, Bank of America Western Region. He makes his home in Redwood City, CA.