LETTER: ‘Please Leave a Message… and We Will Not Return Your Call’

Most people think of me as a decent communicator, and I think of myself similarly.  So I wonder… if I’m getting such abysmal service from Mercy Regional Hospital in Durango… and I can communicate well… what’s happening to members of my community who do not communicate well, for one reason or another?

I went to the ENT department (Ear Nose and Throat) and after my exam, I asked them if they could help me with my hearing aids, and they said no. So I left scratching my head, thinking, “Wow I’m at the biggest hospital in the area… went to the ear nose and throat specialists… and they can’t help me with my hearing aids?  OK…

Maybe a month ago, I called up to make a sleep exam appointment.

Called once, no response.  Called a second time, no response.  Third call, same….

Tried to go around the system and finally got a callback… and after several more calls, I finally got an appointment. Yay.

Went in for my appointment.  Upon my arrival, I was made to wait two hours.  Went in and got my sleeping equipment; went home and slept, and returned the equipment the next morning.

One day passed.  Two days passed.  Three days, four days, five days… and I finally called Mercy and asked what was happening.  Had to leave a message.

No return call.

Tried to go around the system; couldn’t do it.

Contacted the Manager of Customer Service and had quite a conversation with her, and she said she would have the Director of the Sleep Center call me back.  Which never happened.

I also called the Director of Quality and had to leave a message.  Never got a return call.

I said, “Whoa… I think I have to elevate this conversation…” So I looked up the Mercy CEO and his media contact.  I called the media contact… no response.

Where is Customer Service?  If this is happening to me, what is happening to people with serious operations, cancer operations, brain operations, organ operations?

Having owned a home health agency for almost 20 years in South Florida, I know what customer service is. This is not.

How are the “customers” taking care of themselves… with families and schedules and the many challenges of daily life?

I’m not trying to hurt anybody or malign anybody or damage anyone’s reputation.  I’m looking to make things better. I’m looking to make Mercy more responsive.

I’m looking for people to be taken care of… really.

Can we talk, Mr. Sharp?

Bill Salmansohn
Pagosa Springs

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