HMPRESENTLY: No Grind, Tussle, or Side Hustle

From having been a corporate kind of guy, to – at my age, all of a sudden! – writing hip hop lyrics?

After editor Bill Hudson, a few days ago, published in the Daily Post my first-ever hip hop, featuring your 3rd congressional district Rep. Lauren Boebert, more hip hop lyrics kept comin’ to mind…

…and that’s no grind, no tussle, not even a side hustle.

It’s just a whole lot of fun, and so with that, here’s another one… and another:

And then, there’s Sen. Lindsey G.

With his this and that, frequently.

Federally wanting to stop abortion, just lately.

Wolf or sheep, what’s he, anyway?

Whatever direction the wind’s blowin’

that’s the direction he’s maybe goin’?

His take on libertee, and democracee?

What’s with some politicians’ ‘intey-gratee?’

And these lyrics:

No need for some dumb revolution!

“How do we work for a solution?”

In Time Magazine, that’s the question, and I know…

I know, from my personal, own evolution.

Voluntarily working in my community, seeing some problems, workin’ the solutions.

Big things! Little things… seeing things, taking care of things… with others, in cooperation.

For the community, for the people, always in mind.

Saw on a cooking show, on TV, folks all around, savoring cuisines, from here, there, everywhere.

Austin Texans lovin’ Hispanic, Asian and African culinary creations,

And the restaurateurs sharing them,

Appreciatin’ one another.

So how come we’re so stirred up, Time Magazine’s been wondering?

If, indeed, we really are,…as much as we’re, maybe, being led to believe?

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin is former senior vice president in charge of corporate communications and media relations, Bank of America Western Region. He makes his home in Redwood City, CA.