LETTER: Deceptive Ballot Promises

I moved to Pagosa Springs in 2020 after spending a decade in Summit County where neighborhood roads are paved and maintained.

I received a large post card in the mail promoting a YES vote on Ballot Issue 1A. It says, and I quote, “A minimum of 50% of that revenue will be set aside for roads and bridges moving forward.”

I read and re-read the wording of the Ballot Issue and cannot see where it says that. As best as I can tell the revenue may be spent on “improving the safety of roads, bridges and infrastructure….” among a list of other items. The only mention of “50%” is in regards to the Town receiving half and the County receiving half.  That hardly seems reasonable in itself.

I’m dismayed that the “Safe Roads 1A” organization is publishing false information. Besides the fact that I prefer smaller government and would like to see it pull in its purse strings like the rest of us must, I would not vote for any Ballot Issue that is promoted by a taxpayer-funded agency — Pagosa Springs Community Development Corporation (PSCDC) — that deludes the voters. It’s an insult to our intelligence to think that our elected leaders believe we don’t read the TABOR notice and the post card, and see the obvious deception.

A little more care in developing the verbiage of Ballot Issues is in order.That would prevent the need for dishonest political strategy and instill some confidence in the government we fund.

Maybe next time…

Marybeth Snyder
Pagosa Springs

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