HMPRESENTLY: Harebrained?

‘Harebrained’ is an interesting word, sometimes meaning ‘ill-judged,’ and, perhaps, ‘rash,’ or even ‘ridiculous.’

It’s one of those words that can describe some of the things people are doing, and, sometimes, perhaps, the people, themselves.

Hearing all the latest news about those top secret documents that were squirreled away at Mar-a-Lago, for instance, got me wondering; would a word like that describe such goings-on?

So, as ‘harebrained’ is rolling around in my mind, I’m thinking about various other goings-on.

Like out your way, for instance, that proposal to increase your local sales tax. And the survey that was conducted, as reported in the Daily Post, that, perhaps, was geared to encouraging the survey-respondents’ buy-in, as they often say in the marketing business.

And then I’m thinking about other ways officials, all over the place, are raising – and spending – taxpayers’ money.

Like out in Texas, where the governor is busing immigrants long distances to New York and other places. And wasn’t there something, in the news, last year, about the governor spending a whole lot of Texas taxpayer money on razor wire and other physical barriers at the Texas border?

And countries waging war, right now… imagine all the money going into that! Weapons of mass destruction aren’t cheap, you know! And the money being raised and spent on all that must be coming out of someone’s pocket!

But, hey, listen! If there’s one thing about money, it surely can be generated, one way or another.

In business news, the other day, there was something about the ‘lipstick indicator.’ Have you heard about that?

Lipstick sales are up, maybe because workers, when they’re on camera, working remotely, want to be seen, in the best possible light, so speak. So lipstick sales are going up, along with tax revenue, in all likelihood.

And there’s even gluten-free face powder… maybe another big seller, that’s generating even more tax dollars that government folks can spend.

And while we’re contemplating such things, there’s more Mar-a-Lago news, that “Donald Trump Jr. lashed out after the Justice Department released a redacted version of the affidavit to search” the place for those top secret documents.

The former president’s eldest son, it seems, “posted an image that appeared to show a black box (similar to redactions made in the FBI’s Mar-a-Lago raid) placed over his father’s genitals… with the caption ‘Redact this!!!,’” according to Business Insider.

So… what’s that, again, about a word that can describe such goings-on?

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin is former senior vice president in charge of corporate communications and media relations, Bank of America Western Region. He makes his home in Redwood City, CA.