Retailers Can Increase Sales by Offering Senior Discounts

Senior discounts are one of the perks that come with crossing the half-century mark. Many retailers, restaurants, hotels, transportation companies and insurance firms cater to older adults by offering discounted prices on everything from the food they eat to the clothes they wear.

From a marketing standpoint, this makes total sense. After all, as a group, seniors have enormous spending power.
According to an AARP analysis on HuffPost, adults aged 50 and older are the largest and fastest-growing consumer group in the country, spending $3.2 trillion every year. That’s more than the total gross domestic product of nations like Italy, France, Russia and the United Kingdom.

Savvy marketers know the best senior discounts can turn older adults into loyal customers and pay huge dividends.

Your senior status can definitely be an economic advantage. However, while senior discounts are commonly available, they aren’t always clearly advertised. The best strategy is to always ask. Many clerks are reluctant to apply a discount based on age for fear of offending customers, but it’s worth your while to speak up and see if you can save a few dollars.

Your friendly Senior Center also offers a $10 Senior Discount Club Card for members of the community who are 55 and older. You may contact Barbara Noriega at our office to obtain your membership card. Then simply present your 2022 membership card to obtain discounts around Archuleta County. We will provide a comprehensive list of discounts with your membership card. Cards are renewable beginning in January of each year.

If you are a business or organization that would like to join our Senior Discount Club, please contact us to be included.

Rosa Chavez

Rosa Chavez

Rose Chavez is Executive Director for Archuleta Seniors, Inc. and Public Health Consultant at Archuleta Food System/Food Equity Coalition.