LETTER: Let Us Decide Whether to ‘Hold the Line’

I found Daniel Herriges’ August 23 op-ed regarding a community “holding the line” against development to be rather interesting, and I hope all your readers take the time to read it.  It is always a challenge for infrastructure to keep pace with development. Especially, I would think, if said infrastructure is already strained.

Herriges’ piece is quite topical in the light of the Pagosa Springs Town Council somehow seriously “considering” approving the “Pagosa Views” development.  I put “considering” in quotes because this is probably already a done deal.

Since “Pagosa Views” will undoubtedly affect county residents in addition to town residents, I think the Council should put the question of proceeding with this travesty of progress to the voters in the form of a county-wide ballot initiative.


Vic Lucariello
Archuleta County

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