HMPRESENTLY: Just Put on a Happy Face

Such memorable words in the Bye Bye Birdie song…

“Put on a Happy Face!”

So… what’s with these guys?

There are plenty of experts in the field of anger management who can help the Donald Trumps, the Jim Jordans, the Lauren Boeberts, the two Rons — Johnson and DeSantis — the Marjorie Taylor Greenes, the Josh Hawleys, and so on, who may be experiencing some mighty serious malcontent.

Experts suggest not holding grudges, as a positive step they can take to replace those scowls with warm, charming smiles.

And pausing to think before lashing out. That, too.

And probably most important… knowing when to seek help.

Really now! All those scowls and grimaces… and probably a little dyspepsia as well?

That’s what’s making America great again?

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin is former senior vice president in charge of corporate communications and media relations, Bank of America Western Region. He makes his home in Redwood City, CA.