HMPRESENTLY: The Candidates’ Debate

I was struck by much of what Daily Post Editor Bill Hudson had to say in his “Going to the Candidates’ Debate” editorial…. in particular, his thoughts on why “candidates for public office” would be “hesitant to answer questions in an open, public forum”… as regards some of the candidates who had “declined to participate.”

If someone is running for public office, a public forum is where ideas, insights, objectives, and all, can be shared. And even tossed around, a bit.

Having been in the PR business for a lot of years, I know, plenty well, about the risks involved when people in the public eye meet with the public… or with the press.

But, when folks in the public eye know whereof they speak, as the idiom goes, and are confident of their ability, and their willingness, and their commitment to addressing and serving public needs, wouldn’t you think, as another idiom goes, a candidates’ debate would be their cup of tea?

There’s a whole lot of things that carry risk. Like getting bad PR… that’s one of them.

But when someone is prepared to meet with the public, or the press, and is truly and honestly committed to doing the best they can, serving the needs of people, and the community — and understanding the will of the people — that just might lead to all sorts of good things, and goodwill…

And maybe, even, to some good PR.

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin is former senior vice president in charge of corporate communications and media relations, Bank of America Western Region. He makes his home in Redwood City, CA.