Register Now to Attend Archuleta County Food System Summit

Registration is free and open to the public for the upcoming first annual Archuleta County Food System Summit on Saturday April 9th. Join us in a momentous event as we define and build connections throughout our region’s food system and plan for our engagement in the Colorado State Food Summit in November 2022.

We invite all residents and neighboring communities connected with our local food system which includes everyone who eats to be part of this exciting discussion. We are lifting up the stories and experiences of local food heroes who have stepped up along the food chain—chefs, farmers, growers, truckers, meat cutters, waiters, grocery store clerks—to help their neighbors in need. The Archuleta County Food Summit aims to bring together diverse food system stakeholders including community members who purchase, prepare and eat food to find opportunities to increase the local and regional food supply, improve practices by addressing sustainability, build connections/relationships and leverage food policy in support of a shared vision for both our region and for Colorado.

The day’s activities will also include a free lunch, live music, and opportunities to connect with local vendors that will share about their locally grown/produced foods.Those planning to attend, please register by visiting the Healthy Archuleta website event page, here. Please register before March 24th to help us with planning. Your registration ensures we have adequate supplies for your full participation in the day’s activities and for the delicious locally prepared lunch that will be served.

For additional information please contact us at or call 401-371-3227.

To donate to support the work of Healthy Archuleta dba FSFE-Food Coalition please visit our website:

Rosa Chavez

Rosa Chavez

Rose Chavez is Executive Director for Archuleta Seniors, Inc. and Public Health Consultant at Archuleta Food System/Food Equity Coalition.