HMPRESENTLY: Stopping Those Rocks, and Such… Takes a Lot of Grit

Whether it’s the people who are concerned about mining at the Dutton Ranch gravel pit… the people hoping to ‘Stop The Rocks’… or folks worried about other things impacting Pagosa Springs… it takes a lot to be heard. And it takes a lot to alter the course of things.

Especially, since, so often, only a single individual, or maybe a small number of folks, seeking to impose their will on a whole lot of other folks, may, somehow, wind up in the driver’s seat. Imposing their will, like, as the old expression goes… the tail wagging the dog.

That’s often the common denominator, in a way.

What’s going on, right now, for example, with Russia’s boss setting his sights on his nearby neighbor, the Ukraine, shaking things up, not only for a considerable number of Ukrainians, but for many millions of others, worldwide… that single individual, imposing his will, is causing all sorts of concern.

Shaking things up. Shaking up lives, and the well-being of large numbers of people… whether it’s someone imposing their will on others, in some nation, or in a city, or a town, there’s that common denominator… in government and in business.

The tail wagging the dog.

Maybe, it’s just one individual, running a disruptive business. A short-term rental business? Maybe?

It does take a lot to be heard, and to alter the course of things.

It takes a whole lot of determination.

And, a whole lot of grit.

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin is former senior vice president in charge of corporate communications and media relations, Bank of America Western Region. He makes his home in Redwood City, CA.