Healthy Archuleta to Host Food System Summit April 9

Locals Josh and Shasha Gentry of Honyock Farms selling their beautiful microgreens at the downtown Pagosa Springs Farmers Market during the 2021 growing season.

Healthy Archuleta is excited to host an upcoming regional food summit right here in Archuleta County this spring.

Please save the date for April 9, 2022 from 10am – 4:30pm at the CSU Extension Fairgrounds. The event is being coordinated in conjunction with a statewide food summit in November.

Healthy Archuleta has organized this event to continue to form and strengthen connections between local food system stakeholders and to deepen our work around food equity and nutrition security in Archuleta County as we prepare for the statewide food summit.

“The regional food summit will be free of charge and open to the public with a primary goal of bringing together diverse food system stakeholders and the community to learn about the food system work and to find opportunities to leverage policies and practices that can support a shared vision for Colorado both on the local and state level,” said local resident and volunteer summit organizer Emily Haefner.  “We hope this event will move Archuleta County forward in advancing our local food system and enhance the regional food resources that can support nutrition security in our community.”

Additional information about the upcoming summit can be found on the Healthy Archuleta website.

For more information, please email or call 401-371-3227.

Rosa Chavez

Rosa Chavez

Rose Chavez is Executive Director for Archuleta Seniors, Inc. and Public Health Consultant at Archuleta Food System/Food Equity Coalition.