Kentucky Donations Collected by Cub Scouts

The Cub Scout Chapter in Pagosa Springs — Pack 807 — under the leadership of Jonathan Dobson, is mounting an assistance effort for the people affected by the F-5 tornadoes of late visiting trauma upon Kentucky, Illinois, Arkansas and Tennessee. A shipment is being prepared that will arrive in the hardest hit areas of Mayfield and Dawson Springs, Kentucky four or five days before Christmas.

One day’s community interaction here in Pagosa rendered Mr. Dobson laden with donations. Nearly everyone who was asked responded… and some volunteered money without being asked; simply due to the fact that they had overheard the conversation about a local effort to help West Kentucky money was proffered. Items are preferred, but money won’t be turned away. Scout’s Honor… we’re bringing it to someone who just lost their house. Directly to them. No middle man. Pagosa Springs to Dawson Springs.

The Cub Scouts will sort and allocate the many donations on Friday at their weekly meeting at the Methodist Church on Lewis Street at 4:30pm. If anyone would like to bring something by to contribute, they are very welcome.

Any other donations can be dropped off at Dobson Solar Power’s office 144 N. 14th St. Any donations would need to be dropped off by Monday.

If anyone would like to contact Mr. Dobson about contributing, his phone # is 970-507-0754.

Cub Scouts thanks you kindly for any effort you may be able to lend. Mr. Dobson will be driving with his son Jonah Dobson, a 2nd year Webelo working on his Arrow of Light, to New York for Christmas with family and, as Cubmaster, thought it might be nice to build this assistance effort into a way for our town to help another in need. And, he may or may not be trying to teach his son what Christmas is all about. What Pagosa is all about. Santa brings Christmas, not virtual reality headsets. He brings cheer. Especially where it is needed. Won’t you guide my sleigh tonight?

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