LETTER: The True Purpose of Zoning and Land Use Codes

In his article yesterday, editor Bill Hudson is starting to get to the heart of the matter. The purpose of our zoning and land use codes, etc. is to make it harder for poor people to have a home. It has been a long-term agenda in this country, through land use codes, building codes and other mandates that make it impossible for low-income or even middle-income families and individuals to own homes, live off the grid, etc. so that they can all be forced into high density apartments, relying on public transportation. It’s part of the “you will own nothing, and be happy” agenda taking over this country.

Do our land use codes and building codes really protect anyone… other than real estate agents, the tax man, and the wealthy folks who are offended by looking at the poor from their deck?

Kristie Wayward
Pagosa Springs, CO

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