An exhibit of stories from Working for Racial Equality’s ‘Saying The Unsaid’ project is currently on view at Pagosa’s Ruby Sisson Library.
‘Saying The Unsaid’ is a public storytelling project by members of our community about their experiences with discrimination, racism, and privilege. Written stories were shared first through a virtual exhibit, and are ultimately meant to be shared on ‘story walls’ in venues throughout the community. Sharing stories based on personal experiences is a powerful way to build understanding. We are not arguing, debating or lecturing.
With greater understanding, we can begin to see into our blind spots.

‘Saying the Unsaid’ provides a venue where read your neighbors’ stories as well as submit your own story. Forms, guidelines on submission and a drop box are available at the library, or you can submit a story online at
Story authors provide only the kind of identifying information that they feel comfortable with, or share their stories anonymously.
Your brief, personal story is reviewed by members of Working for Racial Equality and added to others to be shared as part of the virtual exhibit on the WRE website.
As the project grows, we hope to create story walls in venues throughout Pagosa Springs and Archuleta County.
Stories come from all corners of experience. Some stories are about experiences in which prejudiced and discriminatory treatment has been an everyday fact of life; other stories will be about the experiences of people who rarely have been confronted by it.
Our intent is to start an open and honest conversation about discrimination and racism by sharing our experiences, so intense or ‘offensive’ language may be part of some stories. Where this occurs, a warning is included.
Click here to read stories on our website.
‘Working for Racial Equality’ meets weekly on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:00pm. The 1st and 3rd meetings of the month are reserved for regular business.
The 2nd and 4th meetings of the month are for learning and sharing; these meetings are open to visitors. On the 2nd meeting of the month, we highlight a book or important concept about anti-racism. For example, we recently had a ‘book club’ about Neither Wolf Nor Dog. On the 4th meeting, we share personal experiences we have had with racism or privilege in the form of stories like those in ‘Saying the Unsaid’.
We would love for you to join us. Please contact for the details on how to join an upcoming meeting.