Governor Polis Looks to Businesses to Promote Vaccination Program

This news comes from Colorado Governor Jared Polis’ office:

From the beginning of this pandemic, we’ve been making decisions based on saving lives and livelihoods. And we know that the good times come back when we all do our part to power the Colorado Comeback for ourselves, our families, businesses, and students by supporting the decision to get vaccinated.

Business owners and employees have been innovative and nimble in the face of this crisis. There are incredible stories of resilience, and that is in no small part due to so many Coloradans getting the vaccine, who can now do the things they love and give our economy a much-needed boost in the process.

That’s why the State is launching a new business tool as part of our “Power the Comeback” campaign, which will encourage businesses to do their part by encouraging employees to get vaccinated and by promoting policies that create COVID-safe workplaces.

Through this “Power the Comeback” campaign, businesses can take the Power the Comeback business pledge.

Here are some of the ways we are asking Colorado businesses to help public-facing workers understand the benefits of getting vaccinated and understand the support their employers can provide:

  • Host a vaccine clinic for employees.
  • Promote information about the Colorado law that mandates paid time off to get the vaccine and recover from vaccine side effects.
  • Provide incentives for employees to get vaccinated (e.g., cash bonuses, additional paid time off, etc.).
  • Share information about nearby vaccination clinics with employees and customers.
  • Commit to posting ample signage about safe COVID-19 behaviors, mask rules for those who are unvaccinated, employee rights, and quarantining rules if exposed to COVID-19.
  • Have a policy in place that encourages any individual aged 12 and older, who is not fully vaccinated, to continue wearing a mask inside your workplace.

Take the Pledge here.

A toolkit that includes posters, graphics and other materials for use will be available once your pledge is received.

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