The Deadliest Season for Young People Approaches

This week, Colorado SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) issued a statewide call to action in combating the deadliest season for young people: the summer months. Known as the “100 Deadliest Days,” the period between Memorial Day and Labor Day is the season when more young people lose their lives in car crashes, as well as through other destructive decisions. SADD is calling upon teens, parents, law enforcement, and communities to raise awareness and take action to keep young people safe.

The summer months are of particular concern for young drivers – with more distractions and increased hours spent on the roads. According to a 2020 AAA study, nationwide 8300 people died in teen-related summertime crashes from 2008-2018. This equates to more than seven people per day each summer.

So far, this year in Colorado 32 young drivers ages 15-24 have lost their lives in car crashes and, as a group, make up almost 20% of the fatalities from January to May, 2021. With drivers ages 16-24 making up 8% of the licensed drivers in Colorado, car crashes prove to be a continuing health concern for this age group (CDOT, 2021).

The leading cause of crashes continues to be distracted driving (technology and passengers), impaired driving (drugs, alcohol, and drowsiness), and reckless behavior. Combine this with inexperience, and it is clear why car crashes continue to be the leading cause of death and injury for young people. According to the CDC, teen drivers between the ages of 16-19 are three times more likely than drivers 20 and older to be involved in a deadly crash.

“Because of events during this past year, we’re all committed to the importance of public health, and we are very aware that public health includes traffic safety,” says Kerry Ferguson, Colorado SADD State Coordinator. “The message is clear: focus on driving, always buckle up, drive sober, and follow the posted speeds. We tell young drivers every day that their actions impact all roadway users, but this message is true for every driver, passenger, and pedestrian.”

About SADD

Since 1981, SADD, the nation’s premier youth health & safety organization, has worked to empower teens, engage parents, mobilize communities, and change lives around the issues of traffic safety, substance abuse, and personal health and safety. Through a national network of peer-led chapters in middle schools, high schools, and colleges, SADD equips our students with the resources they need to advocate for change on their campuses and in their communities. Join the movement by visiting

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