HMPRESENTLY: Me and Citizen Trump

Donald Trump is experiencing exactly what I’m experiencing.

This may be the one and only thing we’ll ever have in common.

He’s having one heck of a time, it seems, getting his publicity in the media. As a former President, citizen Trump is sending out “occasional” press releases, but they “rarely are going viral,” according to an article in the entertainment and popular culture news website, Uproxx.

Well, I could tell him, from my own experience, it’s challenging. Of course, he’s Donald Trump, and I’m not. He had ‘president’ as a title. I had senior vice president as a title, during my career. But things change when you’re away from what you’ve been doing.

So, no surprise his press releases — perhaps about some of the things he aired in social media, before they had enough of that — aren’t exactly going viral. If he’s trying to publicize his grievances, and such, maybe that’s getting a little old.

On the other hand, I’m putting out press releases about something fresh and novel, about turning ‘caucus’ into a cuss word.

Here’s the lead sentence in an initial press release:

With a little repurposing, a word heard in politics becomes a wonderful cuss word…

After stating my case, I give media people an incentive for using ‘caucus’ as an expletive in their articles:

With an expletive like ‘caucus,’ reporters and editors wouldn’t have to bother inserting symbols in such cuss words as assh~le and sh#thead.

When I mentioned in the Daily Post, turning “the ranking industry topsy-turvy” by -— “instead of awarding stars signifying quality,” awarding ‘caucuses’ “for screwing things up” — I began thinking…Why not send press releases to media, where certain politicians could very well earn a high caucus ranking? As high as five caucuses!

Without naming names, considering some of the politicians who’ve been in the news a lot lately, there may be quite a few candidates for top caucus rankings in states like Missouri, Texas, Florida, Georgia, Wisconsin and Arizona.

So, that’s where I’m sending my releases, to media in those states, initially.

And, as citizen Trump, himself, might say, we’ll see what happens.

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin is former senior vice president in charge of corporate communications and media relations, Bank of America Western Region. He makes his home in Redwood City, CA.