LETTER: A Poem for the County Commissioners

We’ve lived in Pagosa Springs, on and off, since 1998,
We’ve lived in single home communities, with and without a gate.

We came for the serenity, the beauty, the small town feeling,
But now, what’s happened, STRs are exploding and we’re feeling

The noise, the trash, the ignoring of rules,
Is it all about money, are we becoming fools?

And what about the young workers who have their needs and wants?
And supply us with groceries, and entertainment and good restaurants.

Who’s more important, locals that live here and try to survive?
Or often non-resident investors who have short-term rentals, and thrive.

Pagosa is a magical small town with small town hopes and dreams,
The quest for money and profit should not be the goal it would seem.

If we are not careful and don’t enforce limits now, we will shortly see,
The end results of desperation, frustration, and near or complete poverty.

We love Pagosa and the way of life we have loved in the past,
But we are seeing it changing, going downhill so fast!

Please, please, please help us maintain our desired residential life,
Please, please, please preserve our need for lack of strife.

Young people, retirees, old people and visitors who love our town,
Can support motels, restaurants and permanent businesses around.

Please enforce the documented intent to “preserve community character and encourage more equal distribution of vacation rentals throughout our county.”

“Vacation Rentals shall not exceed a number equal to 5% percent of the total number of lots.”

…”The 5% rule also applies to condominiums and townhome complexes.”

My husband, two service dogs and I live in Whispering Pines and sincerely hope you will feel our fears. We are permanent residents, who value the power of local government, and hope that as citizens our concerns will be heard and given respect.

Jacqui Widener
Pagosa Springs, CO

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