LETTER: Considering Pagosa Wages

I have followed the Daily Post for about 2 years and the subject of housing costs, in one way or another, is quite prevalent. Housing for the everyday person is obviously the largest monthly cost for the worker bee. Most of the cause, however, should be laid at the feet of the employers here in Archuleta County and surrounding communities, for the stagnant wages paid.

I have experience both as an employer and employee in heavy construction and the ski industry. With both, we have witnessed substantially increased costs of materials, insurance, services, etc. But since the 1980s, wages have remained flat. As an example, in 1986, I was paying CDL drivers in the concrete industry $20-25 per hr. I received a call yesterday from a prominent builder offering me a position with them at a rate of $20-25 per hour… and I was to lead a crew.

Last year I was working for a local businessman and when my check was handed to me, he said that the governing body that we work under stated that a certain wage was required and his opinion is “that no one working in Pagosa is worth it.” That wage was $26.50 per hour.

So, I do not walk the road that it’s housing costs, but rather the employer not stepping up wages — and also contributing in employee housing solutions. If there was a true concern for affordable housing, a solution would have come forth yesterday.

Warren Lawrence
Pagosa Springs, CO

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