LETTER: Cory Gardner, Trump’s Rubber Stamp

Cory Gardner may attempt to campaign as a moderate independent Republican; his voting record in lock-step confirmation of Trump’s cabinet members and judges places him clearly in Trump’s corner.

Gardner voted for:

Interior Secretary Zinke: Shrunk Bear Ears National Monument by 85%, will Rocky Mountain National Park be next? Resigned under pressure amidst six federal investigations, expensive travel and policy violations.

EPA Secretary Pruitt: Prior to nomination sued the EPA 14 times. Rejects climate change. Resigned under pressure with 15 federal investigations of his conduct from criminal record destruction to corrupt allocation of funds.

Homeland Security Secretary Nielson: implemented policy of separating over 2654 children from their parents at the US-Mexico border. Resigned under pressure.

Commerce Secretary Ross: Banker worth $2.5 billion, failed to disclose financial interest in a Russian company. Violated Administrative Procedures Act by attempting to add a citizenship question to the census, which would cost Colorado millions in federal funding.

Treasury Secretary Mnuchin: Banker worth $385 million, requested military aircraft for several personal trips costing taxpayers $811,000. Designed Tax bill giving huge cuts to the wealthiest and corporations.

Secretary of State Pompeo: Trump fired the Inspector General who was investigating Pompeo’s role in the administration bypassing a Congressional freeze on arms sales to Saudi Arabia, releasing $8 billion in arms which are used in the war in Yemen.

HHS Secretary Price: Worth $10 million, reported spending over one million of taxpayer funds for private charter jets and military aircraft.

EPA Secretary Wheeler: Former coal industry lobbyist. Worked to undermine regulations which protect clean air and water.

Gardner voted to confirm the entire wealthy corrupt cabinet, proving himself to be a devoted foot soldier for the Trump agenda. Like Trump said in Colorado Springs: “He’s been with us 100%.”

Scott Johnson
Loveland, CO

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