By Simon Fuger
Current and prospective Gray Wolves Ski Club members are reminded that the deadline to renew your membership and be eligible for the discount on your Wolf Creek Ski Pass is August 15, 2020. There can be no exceptions or extensions. The terms and conditions for the 2020 season pass have not been finalized by the Ski Area because of potential changes due to COVID-19.
In previous years, in order to receive the full discount from the ski area, you had to purchase your Season Pass from the Ski Area between the end of September and the first week in October… and you had to be a Gray Wolf member as of August 15.
Application forms and payment can submitted electronically through the website. Application forms and a check for $15.00 per person can also be submitted by mail to Gray Wolves Ski Club, P.O.Box 2394, Pagosa Springs, Colorado 81147. The application form and check must also be received before August 15, 2020.

This year’s functions will be in compliance with State, Local, CDC and Ski Area guidelines. For over thirty five years and a membership in excess of 1,000, the club has provided a skiing and social outlet for those over 50, come and enjoy the fun.
Besides the discount off the season pass, membership in the Gray Wolves provides the opportunity to participate in club events such as subsidized luncheons and fountain drinks during the ski season and numerous other social events and parties hosted by the club. This includes the Tailgate Party, Christmas Party and the Luau themed annual meeting.

For more information on the Gray Wolves Ski Club and to download the application form, please access our website at