HMPRESENTLY: Government Folks Getting Steamed, So to Speak

In ‘Who’s Running the Show?’ – my recent article, in the Pagosa Daily Post — I was wondering if President Trump and White House Advisor Stephen Miller, who reportedly wrote the speech Mr. Trump gave at Mt. Rushmore, were “both looking into a steaming cauldron,” as they were conjuring up harsh, angry rhetoric for the President’s remarks.

Just imagine other folks in Washington DC, and folks elsewhere, in local governments – like the Pagosa Springs government, for instance – looking into a steaming cauldron, as they’re conjuring up things to say!

In the nation’s capitol, for example, can you picture Kellyanne Conway, the counselor to the President, VP Mike Pence and White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany around a steaming cauldron, when you consider some of their recent rhetoric?

Although the Vice President does soften his rhetorical tone more than his colleagues, maybe that’s all part of his personal brand image?

How about others who are caught up — in particular, right now — in pandemic issues. Like the President’s Education Secretary, who, with the President, has some rather harsh rhetoric going, about forcing schools to reopen in just a matter of weeks. That’s a real dilemma for parents contemplating getting their kids back to school, while COVID-19 is surging. This business of the federal government and, possibly, some state governments, threatening to withhold funds from schools that don’t get with the program… that’s harsh, tough talk.

So, as you picture various federal government officials around a steaming cauldron, picture local government folks getting steamed, so to speak, about some local issues, out your way.

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin is former senior vice president in charge of corporate communications and media relations, Bank of America Western Region. He makes his home in Redwood City, CA.