ESSAY: A Pandemic Bandit

By Gary Lee Duncan

Year 18 of the annual sojourn from winters in Moab, Utah, through the 32 communities on the Western Slope and the 800 Electro/ Chemical Sensitives networked in the process… growing like crazy now, as Aspen and others ramp up the 5G against global opposition from the intelligencia.

Read: Arthur Firstenberg’s The Invisible Rainbow… most stunningly annotated and researched history I’ve ever seen… and that is not a few.

I’d pass for a bandit now… 4 face masks… stalking about avoiding contact and contagion, cognizant of my own risks… but knowing life and work must go on.

Been really interesting watching how each of the communities… Grand Junction, Fruita, Montrose, Ridgway, Ouray, Silverton, Durango… now Pagosa and Ignacio respond to the COVID-19. The gamut is telling from the disbelieving defiant refusing (now snuffing like flies) and the intelligent, cautious and responsibly masked and protecting… to the paranoid whose fear itself is likely more life-threatening. We won’t know for 3 years, but the writing is increasingly visible on about every wall.

For those in the know, the exact parallel in symptomology between the Pandemic and Electro/ Chemical Sensitization is identical… most tellingly the induction of blood cell clustering, in exposure to about any wireless radiation fields, dropping blood oxygen content to zilch. Firstenberg’s newsletter has a telling story of the COVID terminal obsessively texting while their blood oxygen plummets… 60%, 40%, 30%… dark. Collin Karshner (sponsored by Moab High School in the spring) hits it dead center talking about the Smart Phone stimulus addiction and social media dependency. If he made it to Pagosa… the lights are turning on.

As a 33-year clean and sober recovering alcoholic… addiction, obsession and denial… in the face of plummeting health and disease are no stranger and even more easily identified.

As for the premise that COVID-19 would have been a normal spring flu epidemic… had it not infected a global populace now categorically immune suppressed from wireless device over-use… Well, guess we don’t have the time or space to run that one out just yet. Winter flu seasons get worse every year, don’t they?

Hello Pagosa… great to see all you masked bandits up and kicking.

Gary Lee Duncan founded the Smart Shelter Network, supporting electro-chemical environmental allergenics, in 1996.

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