LETTER: Officials Who Ignore the Facts

When people get most upset at their fellow human beings, it seems it is often because the truth is not on their side.

When you don’t know the facts or choose to ignore them, and maybe most importantly, you just don’t like another person, it is not unusual to see people lash out — to go on the offensive to make your accuser defend himself, rather than admitting your shortcomings and then make an effort to reevaluate your position given all the facts.

I would welcome a Planning Commissioner, or a Town Council member, or the Mayor to have a change of heart — to actually change their mind occasionally, based on investigation of facts. That’s what leads to meaningful discussion, decision making and true leadership.

I am all for responsible, considerate development — but not development where the local entities most affected by development don’t even get a seat at the table. Lastly, I am disappointed once again by state lawmakers who allow a well-intentioned law to become mutated, twisted and abused, to the point of its repeated application to undeserving projects that simply don’t meet any definition of “blighted”.

Cappy White
Pagosa Springs, CO

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