LETTER: Stop the Insanity

Welcome to the “new normal” where we live in Upside-Down World.

Where we are hurting our children so we can “keep grandma safe”.

I’m sorry to be the one who has to point out the obvious, but WHY are we hurting our kids to keep the old people alive a little longer? That is upside down! I myself am a senior citizen, but never would I put extension of my life ahead of the health of children or any younger person. I don’t believe any parent or grandparent would.

How are continuing restrictions still being viewed as a sane reaction to a virus? We have never before reacted to a virus with draconian lockdowns, mandated masks, preventing people from socializing or going to church, canceling kids’ activities, non-stop fear-mongering from the press, crippling and destroying small business, pushing people into depression and hopelessness. Please tell me how this is a positive reaction to a virus that will not hurt anyone with an intact immune system, which is the vast majority of people… especially the young?

The fear-mongers on the nightly news never talk about the immune system. The immune system is merely what protects us from viruses! Do you know what hurts the immune system? Fear, isolation, hopelessness, depression, dousing ourselves and kids in disinfectant, making healthy people wear masks, social distancing, no hugs, no smiles, just never-ending fear. Not to mention the seething hatred towards those who don’t subscribe to the fear. Yes, I’m talking about the Mask Bullies, the shaming of people who don’t want to wear masks (because they are unhealthy for healthy people), who want to end the lockdowns, who want to open up our town and let our citizens and especially our kids return to normal, healthy social activities.

When did we lose common sense? When did the wearing of masks and walking one way down the grocery aisle show that we “care” about everyone? What we are seeing is a multitude of enforced restrictions that hurt our health, especially that of our children. What, exactly, is the real agenda behind that?

My father died this year at age 93. He was ready to meet his maker a decade before, in his 80s. He would have been the first one to insist that efforts to keep him alive not be put before the health of kids. He died of old age, not of the virus. But because of the “humanitarian” lockdowns, he had to die alone, with no family allowed. Was that compassionate?

Is what we are continuing to do to our kids compassionate?

No, it’s insanity, and it needs to stop.

Kathleen Galloway
Pagosa Springs, CO

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