HMPRESENTLY: Lurking Somewhere Inside the VEEP

During a TV interview early Thursday morning, a co-anchor for the TV program was asking America’s vice president some tough questions. The subject: COVID-19, the pandemic.

One’s body language during an interview is interesting to observe, especially when the questions are challenging. Considering the topic for this particular interview, it seemed fair enough that the show’s co-anchor was asking hard-hitting questions.

People being interviewed try their best to manage their facial expressions, and the vice president sure seemed to be doing that. Although, occasionally, as the interview was underway, you could just imagine an inner grimace percolating, somewhere, inside the VP.

Staying on message, that’s another thing you try to do. And that certainly seemed to be a key objective, especially when the VP tried, frequently, to bring someone else into the conversation, a certain someone who wasn’t present for the interview. The co-anchor would ask tough questions, and the VP would preface his response with something about the president putting the health of Americans first. It was always something referencing POTUS.

But the TV show’s co-anchor kept pressing for details, for facts and figures, saying; We have only limited time for this interview, Mr. Vice President. I’d like specific information about the pandemic.

Imagining that inner grimace lurking somewhere inside the VP sure was interesting.

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin is former senior vice president in charge of corporate communications and media relations, Bank of America Western Region. He makes his home in Redwood City, CA.