LETTER: Once in a Lifetime Candidate

While almost every candidate running for President believes they alone can do what nobody else has been able to do and rise above both partisanship and our broken campaign finance system to pass long-needed reforms; Bernie Sanders believes that you, and I, and millions of people across this country standing together and rising up as one voice is the only way this can happen.

Bernie Sanders is the only choice for President because he offers a true theory of change he calls, “a political revolution.”

Other candidates attempt to sell us on the idea that watering-down our proposals will win over Republican support but we already learned from 8 years of obstruction lead by Mitch McConnell that this idea is a pipe dream. The only way to pass the drastic reforms like Medicare for All, a Green New Deal to appropriately address climate change, abolishing ICE or erasing student debt will be to have a President willing to make the case for their policies across the country and the infrastructure of the Our Revolution movement Sanders has already built in all 50 states that can organize to remove both Republicans and Democrats who work on behalf of their donors instead of regular everyday working people.

Derrick Blanton
Denver, CO

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