Colorado concluded its 2018 Primary Election yesterday — the state’s first primary election that allowed Unaffiliated voters to participate in the selection of Republican and Democrat candidates for the November ballot.
Locally, the two parties fielded very few candidates for Archuleta County offices. Only one race — for County Treasurer — produced more than one candidate. In that race, Elsa White won the nod from Republican and Unaffiliated voters, with 1,076 votes against the 875 earned by Samantha Armiststead. One race — for County Surveyor — attracted no candidates at all. (Unofficial results from the Archuleta County Clerk’s office.)
A few state and federal offices had produced competitive races. In the state-wide race for Governor, Republican Walker Stapleton defeated three competitors, and Jared Polis did the same in the Democratic Party race, also a four-way contest. (This is according to unofficial results posted to the Colorado Secretary of State website this morning.) In the race for U.S. Congressional District 3, Diane Mitsch Bush beat out two Democratic Party challengers; she will face incumbent Republican Scott Tipton in November. Brian Watson won the Republican slot for State Treasurer; Dave Young won the nod on the Democrat side of that race.