OPINION: A Sure Future for Colorado Water

By Rep. Marc Catlin

On Monday, May 20, 2024, Colorado Governor Jared Polis signed the bi-partisan Sports Betting Tax Revenue Voter Approval (HB24-1436) bill. If voters approve of the measure in November, the state funds collected from sports betting will be transferred to the water plan implementation cash fund to be used for water conservation and protection projects.

Since the collection of state funds from sports betting was passed in 2020 by the voters, the sports betting market has grown at a faster pace than expected. This ballot measure will ask Colorado voters if the state can direct the funds generated from the thriving industry to the same water plan implementation cash fund that voters approved of in 2020. The bill passed the legislature with 97% approval.

The bill was signed into law in my district, and I was one of the prime sponsors. The signing took place at the Orchard Valley Farms & Market and the Black Bridge Winery in Paonia. The other prime sponsors are Colorado Speaker of the House, Julie McCluskie (D-HD13) of Summit County, Senator Dylan Roberts (D-SD8) of Eagle County and Senator Cleave Simpson (R-SD6) of Alamosa County.

First, I want to thank Governor Polis for coming to beautiful Paonia for the bill signing. The Colorado Water Plan is important for Colorado and the West. The voters of Colorado felt that it was important enough to put money toward the plan in 2020 and this reinforces their wishes. The future of the west needs water and these are the
investments that need to be made to ensure that future.

Colorado State Representative Marc Catlin represents the eight counties of Dolores, Delta, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Montezuma, Montrose, Ouray, and San Miguel.

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